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COVID-19 procedures


We understand that as we move closer to the start of school, you may have some concerns about face-to-face instruction. Our plan is to begin the year in school under moderate precautions outlined in the SAFE Weber Framework, which is on the Weber School District Website. We are prepared to offer alternative solutions to you and your child, as needed.

If you have specific questions or concerns, please call me at 801-452-4260. I would be happy to help you.


Mrs. Copeland


The following are procedures that are in place at this time. Subject to change depending on social circumstances.

Masks/Face Shields

The school will provide a face mask and face shield for each student and teacher. You may, however, provide additional facemasks for your own student. It will be the responsibility of the family/student to bring a clean facemask each day to class. We will have extra, clean facemasks available in the office in case a student forgets his/her mask. The shields work great and stop the output of moisture. Also, in close proximity of teacher/other students, masks will be required. If a student is setting at their desk and working alone, they will not be required to wear a face mask at that time.


We are still waiting to receive our yearbooks. Have not heard from Lifetouch as of today when they will arrive.

Back To School

Back to school will be over three days, August 21st, 22nd, and 23rd. We want to keep our social distancing with the least amount of people in our school. We will have you schedule your Back to school meeting on MyPortal like we do for Parent Teacher Conferences. Teachers will set up their individual class schedule dates and times. If you have more than one student, you will be able to schedule with each teacher individually. Face coverings will be required for all who enter the building.

The scheduling system will open, starting August 12th. You will be able to go into MyPortal on the 10th of August for your student’s assigned teacher for the 2020-2021 school year. A reminder will be sent out in August to remind you.


In order to get all our students in the cafeteria for lunch and social distance at the same time, we will have three lunches/recesses. The following will be the new procedure:

11:15 – 1st grade goes to cafeteria for lunch

11:15 – 2nd grade goes outside for recess

11:35 – 1st grade goes outside for recess

11:35 – 2nd grade goes to lunch

Both grades will go back to their individual classroom at 11:55

Each grade will get 20 minutes for lunch and 20 minutes for recess in a 40-minute block. This will also be the same for 3rd/4th grades, and 5th/6th grades. Student’s will be spaced out throughout the cafeteria tables. All food served will be put into individual containers with lids. No student’s will have to serve themselves. Also STUDENTS WILL NOT WEAR MASKS during lunch/recess, unless specifically specified from parent with a written letter or doctor’s note. No parents/guardians will be allowed in the cafeteria during lunch.

Recess,Playground and PE Classes

Students will be required to wash their hands when coming back into the classroom. Activities will be limited to those that do not require physical contact. NO MASKS WILL BE WORN DURING RECESS or PE, unless specifically specified from parent with a written letter or doctor’s note. No parents/guardieans will be allowed on the playground.


Students will follow markings and/or signage for traffic flow. Reasonable physical distancing will be encouraged while walking down halls. Public water fountains will not be available. It is requested that students bring their own water bottles as the weather is very hot at the start of school. Water is available to fill bottles in the classrooms. Students will not rotate to other classrooms, except Spanish Immersion, which classrooms will be sanitized before students rotate from English to Spanish or Spanish to English.


Signage for proper hand hygiene, face coverings required while in restrooms, floor or wall markings will be placed to encourage physical distancing.

Entry and Exit Points/Parent, Guest and Volunteer Access to School

Non-essential visitors and volunteers will NOT be allowed throughout the building. Parents/guardians will be allowed to come into the office. Temperatures will be checked for all adults who do have a valid reason for entering. All substitutes, parents, guest must check in at the office. Students will follow flow paths to minimize congestion

One-to-One computers

All Students, Grades 1 – 6, will have a Google Chromebook assigned to them. They will not be bringing these computers home each day, however, if for some reason, your student will be missing school for several days, they will be able to take their computer home to do homework. Teachers are working hard to produce lesson plans that will be available to your student. In the unlikely situation where we have a soft closure, your student will have a device to work on at home.

If your student has a fever, cough, runny nose, runny eyes, or just not feeling well, please keep them home.