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What is SCC?
The School Community Council is a volunteer organization made up of teachers and parent members who determine the usage of Trustland funds for school improvement.
The purpose of the School Community Council is to:
Build communication between parents and teachers.
- To give parents the opportunity to be actively involved with the school and their children's education.
- Create an annual School LAND Trust Plan
Here are the responsibilities of a community council:
Each public school shall establish a school community council. The council shall:
- Develop a school improvement plan;
- Develop the School LAND Trust plan;
- Assist in the development and implementation of a staff professional development
plan; - Develop a child access routing plan for schools including grades K-8;
- Make recommendations to the local school board on school district programs and the
school community environment for students; - Develop a K-3 reading plan, in appropriate schools.
If you are interested in getting involved with the Community Council, please reach out to our Principal, Melissa Copeland (