Community Council Mtg Minutes 12/14/22
Majestic Community Council 12/14/22 from 4:05-4:55
Attendees:Angie Francom, Jenny Taylor, Liz Putnam, Ryan Findlay, Becky Roe, Angela Wilcox, Randy Allred, Melissa Copeland, Jen Votava, Melanie Tillley
Our school mental health specialists presented their roles at our school.
Mrs. Wilcox is the school counselor. She is at Majestic every day.
She teaches classroom lessons from a program called Second Step which focuses on coping and social skills. She talks about feelings, focusing attention, and also grade specific topics.
Mrs. Wilcox has a mailbox outside of her office. Students can write her notes that they would like to visit with her.
She has a website and she showed us some links which include: Hope Squad, Safe UT, her phone number and email, and a link to Ms. Roe who is the school therapist.
Ms. Roe is the school therapist. She is at Majestic on Thursdays and one other day during the week. She also works at two other schools.
She is the bridge between home and school. She provides short-term individual therapy. A parent may request a mental health screener. There is a poster in the office with more information about the screener. She also leads a 6th grade mindfulness group. She has a website page with resources too.
The community council members asked a few questions and the meeting was adjourned.